Monday, July 1, 2013

Project Life 2013, Week Twenty-Five. Scrapbook page - School's out for the Summer 2013

Here are my digital pages for Week 25, June 16-22, 2013

I also added a couple of inserts.  This was the week that Henry Lupa, founder of Lupa's Zoo, died.  I added his obituary from the newspaper on one side and on the other side added a few pictures that I had taken at Lupa's Zoo over the years.

I also added a digital page of Marley's last day of 6th grade.  I will add this page to her album too. 

So there you have it!  So far I'm loving doing digital pages. 

There have been so many changes in the scrapbooking world since I started in 2001.  Who knows what's next.  Maybe scrapbooking right from my iPhone or iPad!

(Don't forget that if you double click on a picture it gets bigger!)


Linda L said...

LOVE all your pictures Deb. I love the picture of Marley on the last day of school. She looks so cute with her short haircut. Also I am amazed at how tall she is standing next to you. So sorry to hear about the owner of Lupa Zoo. It would be a shame is no one in his family steps up to keep it going. On the other hand, it must take a lot of time and work to do that.

Eliza J said...

Hey all makes me smile!