Thursday, February 16, 2017

In Memory of Ruthie...

I have been so saddened this week about the passing of a friend, Ruthie Watson Iannazzo.

Her family moved here from Kansas in 1962 and they attended my church, Bethany Assembly of God.   We were the same age when she moved here - 12 years old, and we became friends.

After she got married she moved away and I rarely saw her.  The last time I saw her was at a friend's funeral.  That was two months ago.  Who could ever have known that in two months' time she would be gone also.

This is a picture of our combined junior high Sunday School class, probably 1962 or 63.  I am in the back row - fourth girl from the left.  Ruthie is the fifth girl, right next to me.  Most of these kids were in the youth group also.  It's hard to explain what a bond we had with the kids in our youth group at that time.

I still feel that bond, all these years later.

1 comment:

Liz J said...

I remember you talking about her...I'm so sorry.