Saturday, January 31, 2009
31/365 - Scrapbook crop at Janice's
This is a picture of the crop at my friend Janice's house. 7 people with all of their scrapbooking stuff, scrapping for about 10 hours. I LOVE IT!
Marley's Blog
Last night was Friday night with Marley, Grandma and the Babas. The minute Marley walked in the door she asked if we could make her a blog that night. I was so surprised. Why do you want a blog, I asked. She said so that she could tell about her big adventures. I think what prompted it was her sledding day at school yesterday. But I'll let her tell you about that, (I typed, she dictated).
On the left of my blog you will find My Blog List. Project 365 is my other blog - a picture a day in 2009. Knit One Stitch Too is my daughter Kristen's blog, and now a new one, Marley's Blog (so cute, I'm loving it, and by the way she LOVES comments).
On the left of my blog you will find My Blog List. Project 365 is my other blog - a picture a day in 2009. Knit One Stitch Too is my daughter Kristen's blog, and now a new one, Marley's Blog (so cute, I'm loving it, and by the way she LOVES comments).
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
29/365 - Packing LL Bean bags for a crop
All packed up and ready for Saturday's crop at my friend Janice's house. I love my LL Bean bags; it took me less than 5 minutes and I'm good to go!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
28/365 - Hot chocolate break
Today there was more snow, sleet, and freezing rain. The dead of winter. This is Paul taking a break from shoveling snow tonight, sitting by his fire in the rain, drinking hot chocolate, soaking wet but still in his shorts!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
27/365 - Marley's historical timeline
The paper came home from Marley's school saying:
Dear Parents,
As part of our Social Studies curriculum, the students will be learning how to use a historical timeline. I thought it would be fun for your child to work on a project with you at home and maybe find out some things that they may have never known about themselves!
The timeline must consist of the following:
1. Start with the year your child was born.
2. Put at least 5 important events that have happened in your child's life.
(Example: When you child was born, started school, moved to a different neighborhood)
3. Put the events in chronological order.
I really want this to be fun for your family so I am flexible about how you want to do this. (Add pictures, stories, etc.) Have fun! If you have any questions don't hesitate to call.
All timelines will be due on Friday, January 30th!
Thank you and enjoy,
(Marley's teacher)
So, Marley and Kristen came over tonight to put this thing together since... who takes all the pictures, who has them labeled with dates, when and where? And who would have lots of stickers, etc.! Grandma, the scrapbooker, of course.
We had fun doing it and I think it came out cute. Marley was happy with it!
Marley's timeline has 6 entries - her newborn picture in the Agawam newspaper, their move back home from Ohio, her 4 stitches over her eyebrow, getting their cat Sunny, her graduation from preschool, and buying their new home!
Dear Parents,
As part of our Social Studies curriculum, the students will be learning how to use a historical timeline. I thought it would be fun for your child to work on a project with you at home and maybe find out some things that they may have never known about themselves!
The timeline must consist of the following:
1. Start with the year your child was born.
2. Put at least 5 important events that have happened in your child's life.
(Example: When you child was born, started school, moved to a different neighborhood)
3. Put the events in chronological order.
I really want this to be fun for your family so I am flexible about how you want to do this. (Add pictures, stories, etc.) Have fun! If you have any questions don't hesitate to call.
All timelines will be due on Friday, January 30th!
Thank you and enjoy,
(Marley's teacher)
So, Marley and Kristen came over tonight to put this thing together since... who takes all the pictures, who has them labeled with dates, when and where? And who would have lots of stickers, etc.! Grandma, the scrapbooker, of course.
We had fun doing it and I think it came out cute. Marley was happy with it!
Marley's timeline has 6 entries - her newborn picture in the Agawam newspaper, their move back home from Ohio, her 4 stitches over her eyebrow, getting their cat Sunny, her graduation from preschool, and buying their new home!
Monday, January 26, 2009
26/365 - Sandwich after work
Monday night is Borders night at the mall. Sometimes we eat at the mall. This morning I suggested that Paul make me a sandwich to eat on the way to the mall. This is what I saw when I got into the car. Supper on a tray - salami and cheese sandwich, chips, brownie, Diet Coke, clementine and a wet facecloth to clean up with. It pays to be married to someone who works in a restaurant!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Maybe it's the Star of Bethlehem
So, I don't know how many of you have noticed Venus shining in the night sky this January, but it is very bright. And, if you have read my previous posts, you know that Marley spent a lot of time practicing for the Children's Musical Hotel Bethlehem and singing about the Star of Bethlehem. So, we were driving home from Junior Bible Quiz tonight and Paul said that whatever that was in the sky was almost too bright to be just a planet, and one of us (I can't remember who) said that maybe it was the Star of Bethlehem again. Marley said that if it was, we would have to follow it. I said, "What do you think we look more like, shepherds or kings?" She said emphatically "shepherds." When I asked her why, she said, "Because we don't have any gold or frankenstein." Too cute. These are the things that I don't want to ever forget!!
25/365 - Big Baba and Marley reading Timeless Toys
I have a book called Timeless Toys that Marley and my father-in-law like looking through. I caught them today, sitting together, going through this book. Big Baba was showing her some of the toys that he had as a child. They looked so cute; having a good time together.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
24/365 - Remy hiding
Tonight we went over to Mark and Janelle's to feed their cat Remy. They went to another wedding. I hadn't taken my picture for the day yet and I thought I would take another picture of Remy. He came out to see us for a few minutes and when I got around to taking his picture he was no where to be found. We couldn't find him anywhere. After about 5 minutes, I pulled a big stuffed toy out from under a chair and there he was. Maybe that is his hiding place behind the stuffed toy (he has lots of toys). So rather than drag him out, this is Remy, under the chair!
Friday, January 23, 2009
23/365 - Izzy watching Horton Hears a Who
This is hysterical. Remember when I told you about Izzy (my cat) watching her video for cats? (Debbie's Blog, December 17, 2008). Well, every time she even hears the VCR start-up noise she comes running, thinking it's her video. Tonight, Marley brought over a DVD, Horton Hears a Who. It had a lot of animals in it with bright colors, and Izzy came to watch. We put her stool up in front of the TV and she stayed there quite awhile watching the movie. It was so funny!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
22/365 - Old iron works at Taconic State Park
Today we took a ride through Western MA to New York State. We were actually testing the coverage on our new cell phones. We ate at a favorite little diner of ours and then took a ride on a road we had never been on in Copake Falls, NY. We came across this old iron works in the Taconic State Park. The iron works was established in 1845. There was a very cool looking furnace, very old. It was a beautiful day for a ride!
Froggy's Lost Tag Story......
Last Sunday night we were driving home from Junior Bible Quiz when all of a sudden Marley started to cry. I mean really cry, real tears, as if something bad had just happened. "Froggy's tag came off", she said. Before I go any further, you have to understand that Marley has had a thing for Froggy since she was little. It was given to her as a present when she was born. She has always loved the cloth tag on Froggy. She does this "thing" rubbing two fingers on it. The tag, as you may imagine, had gotten very frayed, but I wasn't prepared for just how frayed! In tears she handed me the "tag", which was no more than a wide piece of string. She was still very upset when we got home and all of us tried to comfort her. She asked me if I would make a scrapbook page about this and put Froggy's "tag" on it (how cute is that?). We told her that Pama Barb (Toby's mother) would be able to put a new tag on Froggy (she has already put on two new bottoms). Kristen told her that she could even pick out the material and make sure that it was right.
The next time Marley came over, she brought Froggy to show me. Pama Barb had sewn a new tag on Froggy and all was right in the world again.
The next time Marley came over, she brought Froggy to show me. Pama Barb had sewn a new tag on Froggy and all was right in the world again.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
21/365 - Salad at work
Another one of my New Year's resolutions is to eat healthier. I'm lucky to have a great salad bar at work. When I was on Weight Watchers I had a salad for lunch every day that I worked. I am trying to get back to that (it helps that they have a limited lunch menu now - it makes the choice easier!). So here is a picture of my salad at work.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
20/365 - Springfield Science Museum
Today Marley was off from school (some sort of teacher's day) and we went to one of our favorite places, the Springfield Science Museum. She brought her camera today, and I had fun taking pictures of her taking pictures. By the way, we did all the dinosaur puzzles that you see here.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
18/365 - Sunday afternoon Scrabble
The kids have started playing Scrabble on Sunday afternoons (with football on in the background, of course). Toby majored in linguistics in college, so the aim of the game is to beat him. Mark should win on just competiveness alone. Janelle seems to enjoy it, but Kristen just goes along for ride I think.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
17/365 - Correcting Dot's slides
Paul has become almost obsessed with finishing his work on my Aunt Dot's slides. For Dot's 80th birthday we had a photo business copy her slides onto CD's. They came out very good with one exception. They were full of black spots. To make a long story short, the business had a dirty light and this transferred onto the pictures. They compensated us, but we were left with pictures with black dots. Dot had 666 slides. Over four years ago, Paul corrected about 333. A month and a half ago, he got back unto it and has done 199 more leaving 134 to go!
Friday, January 16, 2009
16/365 - Friday night, electronic keyboard
Friday night. Marley, Grandma and the Baba's night. Tonight Big Baba (Fred) gave Marley a Christmas gift from his sister "Auntie Eleanor." It was an electronic keyboard. Izzy was helping Marley play it (I would like to say Izzy was a willing participant, but sorry to say it was under duress). At least it made a cute picture!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
15/365 - At the dentist...
Okay...just a warning. Some of these Project 365 pictures are going to be less than exciting. It's hard to follow up the picture of Baby Radtke's ultrasound picture. But the whole idea of this project is to show a slice of real life. So, here I am checking out of the dentist's office. I really hate going to the dentist but I so don't want to lose my teeth in the next 30 years, so every 6 months I end up in the dentist's "upside down" chair getting de-plaqued!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
14/365 - Remy
Meet Remy, Mark and Janelle's cat. He reminds me so much of my old cat George. He has the same markings, same type of fur, and same lovable disposition. He also has a thing for water. He has been known to stick his head right under the facet. He is such a good boy. Whenever I see him I think of George. George was a very special cat.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
They're having a boy!!
Today Mark and Janelle found out they are having a boy. Evidently at 19-20 weeks, the ultrasound is able to identify the sex (provided the baby cooperates). The ultrasonographer asked if they wanted to know if it was a boy or a girl, and at least one picture was proof positive it was a boy. I guess Mark doesn't have to face his biggest fear yet (he told me recently that having a girl was his biggest fear).
Below is a movie with today's ultrasound pictures and videos:
Hit the play button.
Below is a movie with today's ultrasound pictures and videos:
Hit the play button.
13/365 - It's a boy!
Mark and Janelle are having a boy! She had an ultrasound today and they asked if they wanted to know the sex. I guess at 19-20 weeks it becomes evident.
Monday, January 12, 2009
12/365 - Yoga
One of my New Year's resolutions is to get into some sort of shape. Who knew a person could be so "stiff". Actually, in the beginning of November Paul and I started walking in the morning before work. I really liked it. Then Thanksgiving happened, bad weather (aka snow, ice = potential falling) coupled with it being too dark in the morning to see the ice. So, last week I started doing Yoga again. This DVD has three workout levels. So far I can do 1/3 of the lowest level. How did I get so deconditioned??? Anyhow, until it gets lighter in the morning so that I can at least see the ice, Yoga will have to do.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
11/365 - Hot chocolate break
Marley and her friend Sarah (who lives next door to me) had a lot of fun playing in the snow today. This is a picture of them taking a break having hot chocolate.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
10/365 - One of Paul's Many Favorite Hot Dog Places
For any of you who know Paul, you know that he loves hot dogs. And you probably also know that I am always harping on him for eating too many hot dogs. Well, to Paul's surprise, I suggested this Saturday afternoon (as we were heading out to do an errand) that we stop at his favorite hot dog stand. I actually had a kielbasa dog with horseradish sauce that was very good. I think both Paul and the owner were surprised that I "wanted" to go there!
Friday, January 9, 2009
9/365 - Thank You Auntie Stacia
I took this picture tonight to use on a thank you card for Janelle's mother, "Auntie Stacia". She gave Marley these cute little butterfly earrings for Christmas. Thank you Auntie Stacia.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
8/365 - Hotel Bethlehem DVD
We watched the DVD of Bethany's Children's Musical Hotel Bethlehem tonight. The guy who made the DVD was so disappointed with how it came out. Evidently, the kids who had speaking parts had their mic's on all the time, even when they weren't on stage, and you could hear them talking, whispering, laughing behind stage. Paul and I both thought it just added to the uniqueness of a kids' musical (although it was a little annoying). I'm sure the director will make sure next time that the kids backstage have their mic's turned off! It's a good thing that you couldn't hear them during the actual performance.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
7/365 - Dead of Winter
I think we are really in the dead of winter. This is looking through my car windshield on my way to work. Freezing rain, dark, dreary. I guess I need to eat some more clementines.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
6/365 - Escape Artist Izzy
As we were letting ourselves in the house tonight Miss Isabel walked right out the back door, down the stairs and started down the driveway. I started to panic as my hands were full and I heard a car coming down the street. Luckily she didn't go too far and Paul was able to pick her up. This is the first time she has ever tried to do that. I guess we will have to be more careful from now on.
Monday, January 5, 2009
5/365 - My Desk at Work
This is my desk at work, the place where I spend most of my good hours (i.e. not tired or sleeping hours). Don't get me wrong, I love my job most of the time, I just wish I had more good hours away from my job. Oh well, some day. For now, I guess I will just be thankful that I have a job that I enjoy and people that I enjoy doing it with!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
4/365 - A New Toy for Izzy
This is what I woke up to this morning; Paul had made a new toy for Izzy. This is our first time having an indoor cat and it certainly has its pros and cons; one of the cons being my house is turning into a "cat playground." She has all the comforts of laying in her bean bag bed and playing with her new toy!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
3/365 - Clementines
How to beat the winder doldrums - a box of clementines. We go through quite a few of these boxes each winter - yummy!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
1/365 - Kris and Toby's New House
The sold sign in front of 705 Elm Street. Kris and Toby expect to be moving in sometime in February. We are all so excited.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year to everyone! I have enjoyed doing this blog so much for the past 4+ months. So, this coming year I am also going to do another blog. This one will be a different type of blog, just pictures with a small blurb about each picture. It is called Project 365. I got the idea for this from a scrapbooking magazine. It was meant to be done as a traditional scrapbook, but I thought it would be fun to do as a blog. Each day I will take a picture, it can be of anything, and post it with just a small explanation of the picture. This is the link to my new blog for any of you who are interested:
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