Saturday, January 3, 2009

3/365 - Clementines

How to beat the winder doldrums - a box of clementines. We go through quite a few of these boxes each winter - yummy!


Anonymous said...

Okay, Now I need to know something. I have heard people say they can't wait til these things show up in the grocery store. I see them when they come out but I have never bought them. say you go through a few boxes of them.......WHAT IS IT ABOUT THEM ??????? Aren't they kind of like tangerines?
Linda L

Doreen said...

The kids were over tonight Zane had two Logan had one, Dad had one I have one everyday at work so I know what you mean. This is a cool site. A lot of work I have joined Face book & my space to keep intouch with everyone and I thought that was hard you beat me.Every day. Wow!But I do like it.

Cindy said...

Oh my darlin', oh my darlin',
oh my darlin' Clementine...

I'll let Janice finish the rest.