Thursday, January 22, 2009

Froggy's Lost Tag Story......

Last Sunday night we were driving home from Junior Bible Quiz when all of a sudden Marley started to cry. I mean really cry, real tears, as if something bad had just happened. "Froggy's tag came off", she said. Before I go any further, you have to understand that Marley has had a thing for Froggy since she was little. It was given to her as a present when she was born. She has always loved the cloth tag on Froggy. She does this "thing" rubbing two fingers on it. The tag, as you may imagine, had gotten very frayed, but I wasn't prepared for just how frayed! In tears she handed me the "tag", which was no more than a wide piece of string. She was still very upset when we got home and all of us tried to comfort her. She asked me if I would make a scrapbook page about this and put Froggy's "tag" on it (how cute is that?). We told her that Pama Barb (Toby's mother) would be able to put a new tag on Froggy (she has already put on two new bottoms). Kristen told her that she could even pick out the material and make sure that it was right.

The next time Marley came over, she brought Froggy to show me. Pama Barb had sewn a new tag on Froggy and all was right in the world again.


Anonymous said...

My daughter is 25 years old and still has her blanket (Gertrude). It is all shredded up and looks like yarn unraveled, but she still carries it in her purse to work.
Jo Ann

Anonymous said...

When Katie was just a little thing she would always seek out the tags on clothing, animals etc. I don't remember what it was for but one time I bought a little baby blanket and cut lots of labels off of clothes and anywhere else I could find them and sewed all of them on this blanket so she had a whole blanket full of
Linda L.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that I remember a little girl, many moons ago!, that had a blanky that went everywhere with her - even to Conn. with Dot to visit Ettie... low and behold this little girl had forgotten her "blanky"! she cried, however, when we told her Dot would have to go all the way 'home' for blanky, she settled - just that once, for a blanky Ettie gave her... this little girl was a sweet little girl, and she really didn't want to go all the way back to Mass for her "blanky"

Anonymous said...

A happy ending to such a sad story.

I can relate. The tag on my granddaughter Kailey's blanky is getting questionable. She searches for it and turns every corner of the blanket to find it. When she does, immediately her thumb goes in her mouth while grasping the tag at the same time. A total look of contentment!

Anonymous said...

Wow, after reading all these posts,I wonder if the person that started putting tags on things realizes just what he (or she) started, and how IMPORTANT they would become to special "little" people.

Linda L.