Saturday, September 11, 2010

254/365 - Tennis and 1st Annual Mason and Marley zoo picture

Today Mark played in a tennis tournament at Forest Park; the Robert Freedman Memorial Tennis Tournament. He played two matches; won the first one, lost the second one. It was a beautiful day. Unfortunately I had to work but Paul watched both matches. Kristen and Marley babysat for Mason while he took his nap as Janelle had to work also. We all met up there before the last match was over.

On a different note....

I have been thinking about how to do the "annual zoo picture" with Mason that I have been doing with Paul and Marley. I decided to have him walking with Marley. Since we were all at Forest Park today and there was a nice little wooded lane nearby, it was the perfect day to do it. I think the picture came out really cute.

1 comment:

Linda L said...

HEY !!!!! Paul shrunk !!!!!! lol