Friday, September 24, 2010

267/365 - Just the three of us

I have always liked this picture of me and my grandparents. I'm not sure what year it was, but I look about 6 or 7.

This is one of my aunt Dot's slides.  It must have been a Sunday because my grandmother and I are all dressed up.  My grandfather didn't go to church most Sundays.  I'm not sure why.  I know he didn't feel well a lot.  Look at his old slippers, ha!


Linda L said...

Awwwwww how nice to see a picture of "Unk"

Debbie said...

I forgot that you guys used to call him Unk. Ma and Unk. Good memories.

Maureen M said...

I LOVE this picture of Ma and Unk!!!!What WONDERFUL memories of them and the house on Oleander Street. I used to love to look for eggs in the hen house behind the garage...and loved to catch fire flies in a jar at night....and I remember waiting for Unk to finish his breakfast because I got to chew on his lamb chop bones..they were sooo good!!!