Mark and Janelle have been telling me that for awhile now when Mason sees pictures of me he calls me Ama, but tonight was the first time he actually called me Ama to my face. It was wonderful.
He has called everyone else a name for quite awhile now, Mamma, Dadda, Baba (one of the first that he said), Arla (Marley) Auntie, Unca, Papa (Janelle's Dad) and now Ama (for both me and Janelle's mom).
He is such a cutie!
What a story to scrap
Janice, you're right. I am sure that I will; I did a page about Marley when she first started calling us something!
Gene's sister named us Omie and Opie because we were, in her opinion, too young to be gramma and grampa. We drilled Aidan... just a little (I had him three days a week until he was 3). But the first time he said Omie and meant it, I cried.
What a great feeling. He is getting so big.
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