It has become a tradition over the last few years to go to the museum with Marley on President's Day. This year Janelle and Mason came with us. It was Mason's first time to the museum and we were all excited to show him around. Marley was so good with him, introducing him to all of her favorite things. Unfortunately, I had my new camera set to a setting that made the pictures very compressed and, therefore, not great.
The museum had lots of things going on for kids because of school vacation. Paul, Marley and I went to a laser safari before Janelle and Mason got there that was pretty cool. The exhibit that the museum had this year was Reptiles, which was also very cool. They had lots of snakes, turtles, a couple of alligators, and other assorted reptiles. Marley really liked this and we spent quite a lot of time there.
I love the museums. I love to take Marley and now Mason. It is such a fun time!
Here are a few pictures of our day.

Every year I take a picture of Marley in this little Indian teepee. This was Marley's first time in 2002.

I tried to get a picture of Mason in the little Indian teepee. He was a little leery of going into the teepee, so this picture is not quite the same, but close.
This is a funny mirror that makes you look short and fat (I won't go anywhere near it!).
Deb, I have been wondering where you are. Now I see you have been very busy having I ALWAYS enjoy looking at all the places you go with the kids. You are SUCH GOOD grandparents. Is that a rock that Marley is laying cuddled up in??? Looking at her it looks like it should be soft yet it looks like a rock. Ralph just got back here in S.C. this afternoon. He was home for two weeks working.
Lin, the thing Marley is lying in is a dinosaur footprint. It is supposed to be like a rock! I take a picture of her in this thing every year.
I bet Ralph is glad to get out of this gross weather up here!
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